Francesco Masulli

Francesco Masulli is a Full Professor of Computer Science with the University of Genoa
(Italy), a founding member of Vega Research Laboratories s.r.l., and chair of IEEE Italy Section
Computational Intelligence Society Chapter. He held visiting positions at the Radboud University
(NL), the International Computer Science Institute in Berkeley (CA-USA), the Temple University
in Phyladelphia (PA-USA), and the I3S Labs-University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis (FR). Recipient
of the 2008 Pattern Recognition Society Award. Author of more than 200 scientific papers in
Machine Learning, Computational Intelligence, Visual Perception. Chair of many international
conferences and schools, including DeepLearn - International Summer School on Deep Learning
held in Genoa (Italy) in 2018 and ICAIH, First Industrial Conference on Artificial Intelligence and
Health held in Milan (Italy) in 2019.

Cosmetics 4.0 | 16 settembre 2021
Settembre, 16 | 09:00 - 18:00 , Promoest Stand